Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Melanoma Research Foundation (MRF)

I was interviewed by Matt today from the MRF for either the head coach or assistant coaching job. He was concerned about injuries and injury prevention. I gave hima a few suggestions and will hear from him by early next week. I hope I can help them. Really the only sticking point I feel is that they require you to raise $1400 to be part of the run. But they may let me help train people for no amount raised or a lesser amount. I don't believe in my present financial situation I could raise that much money.
I met with him after I ran 6.7 miles this afternoon in 55:27 for a 8:16/mi. pace. I felt great at first but a little slow later on. I did recover to run in the high 7s by the last mile and 1/2. My HR was exactly where I want it to be; 129 avg and 143 max bpm.

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