Friday, February 27, 2015

A Week to Go!

I am excited about my first 50K but I feel I am taking it in stride. I ran 169 miles so far this month but I have to be at work early tomorrow so I probably have closed the book on February. 341 miles so far this year and I feel good. Started running in my new Hoka Clifton's today, 7.7 miles. Still lots of snow and some ice but after running a few days indoors, I ran all week again outside. I just don't feel as good on a treadmill. The temperature is going to be 20-35 F in Oak Grove OH and partly cloudy for the race. Seems good, no rain or snow.

Monday, February 16, 2015

Lessons to be Learned no Matter How many Miles

I got to the bus this morning around 6:20; had to clear roof of snow and it was -4 degrees so I had to make sure the bus was warm by 7:00. I tell you this because I hit my left ankle getting into the bus to pull away. Tonight after work I only ran 4 miles because I hurt my right ankle slipping on snow and ice with the cantered road lower on the right. I am use to having the road higher on the right and i rolled my ankle slightly. I don't remember a tougher day on my ankles. The lesson could be too many miles in snow/ice, too many miles period or more rolling out the legs and more liquids. I chose the ladder. I feel better but I will take it a little easier the rest of the week since I have already run over 110 miles for the month.

Friday, February 13, 2015

Tough Week of Running

I took last Sunday off since I worked and its was cold, dark and snowing when I got home from work. Averaged a 10K all week except yesterday; I was tired to start the run and I didn't feel any better so I stopped at 3.4 miles. I am trying to have 2 week cycles since I am still working 6-7 days/week.
Hal Koerner's Ultrarunning has been a great resource book for both my 50k and 50 mile race. Science of Running, Ready to Run and Anatomy of Running also have helped me prepare for the long runs and hopefully, run better marathons. I would suggest all of these for all levels of runners. Run injury free!

Saturday, February 07, 2015

Another Great Week of Running!

I started the week with a 24.4 mile run and ended it with a 16.8 mile run. Total miles: 62.2. The most weekly miles in at least 6 years. All in Hoka Clifton. I love the shoe and I will probably run the Green Jewel in the Clifton. Great massage this week too. Thank you Julia!