Thursday, July 24, 2008

I Ran Twice Today

I ran this morning at 6:20 before it rained. I only went 5.3 miles in 41:52, 7.6 mph, at 7:54.0/mi. pace.
I then ran after work at 5:30; 6.2 miles in 51:20, 7.4 mph, at 8:16.8/mi. pace.
I felt I needed to get more miles in if I am going to run 3 marathons in the Fall.

Wednesday, July 23, 2008

I'm Still Running

I can't believe I haven't written since the 9th:-)
I took the next 2 days off; my legs were tired.
Here is an update of my running til today:

July 12 10.4 miles in 1:21:20 7.6 mph at 7:49.2/mi.
July 13 13.1 miles in 1:46:55 7.3 mph at 8:09.7/mi.
July 14 OFF
July 15 7.0 miles in 57:55 7.2 mph at 8:16.4/mi.
July 16 5.9 miles in 45:09 7.8 mph at 7:39.2/mi.
July 17 5.3 miles in 40:59 7.8 mph at 7:44.0/mi.
July 18 OFF
July 19 18.0 miles in 2:26:30 7.4 mph at 8:08.3/mi.
July 20 7.0 miles in 56:31 7.4 mph at 8:04.4/mi.
July 21 OFF
July 22 7.2 miles in 56:20 7.7 mph at 7:49.4/mi.
July 23 6.3 miles in 48:38 7.7 mph at 7:43.2/mi.

Some random thoughts: I have only gotten 1 massage for the month and I need more to run more distance in a week. I wake up most days between 4:50 and 5:10 and I get up between 5:40 and 5:55. I run all week in the morning. It's a little tough getting going but you can see by my times that I feel good. My legs seem to like early morning this time of year and I have been taking 2 days off a week for the last 4 weeks.
I took 3 powerade "gu's" on the 18 miler this weekend and I had to call my wife to bring me water just after mile 15 because it was hot 88 degrees and humid 85 percent.
I have been switching each other day from Asics 2120's to Brooks adenaline GTS 7's.
My totals for each week since the Lake Placid Marathon are:

June 22-June 28 43.6 miles
June 29-July 05 37.7 miles
July 06-July 12 36.3 miles
July 13-July 19 49.3 miles

This is an average of just over 41 miles/week but I would like to be over 40 miles every week.

Wednesday, July 09, 2008

End of June the Beginning of July

I'm on the computer all day at work. So I don't always feel like writing after I check my email at night, the weather is just too nice or the Sox are on TV. Here is a summary of what I have done since June 23rd:

June 24 6.1 miles in 50:42 7.2 mph at 8:18.7/mi.
June 25 4.0 miles in 32:39 7.3 mph at 9:09.8/mi.
June 26 7.0 miles in 57:34 7.3 mph at 8:13.4/mi.
June 27 OFF
June 28 14.4 miles in 1:53:00 7.5 mph at 7:54.1/mi.
June 29 10.1 miles in 1:23:00 7.2 mph at 8:13.1 mph
June 30 OFF Total for June 153 miles
July 1 5.1 miles in 42:19 7.2 mph at 8:17.8/mi.
July 2 OFF my calfs were really tight for the past 3 days
July 3 6.1 miles in 50:50 7.2 mph at 8:20.0/mi.
July 4 5.3 miles in 48:05 6.6 mph (ran with Simone) 9:04.3/mi.
July 5 11.1 miles in 1:30:30 7.3 mph at 8:09.2/mi.
July 6 10.7 mlies in 1:28:50 7.2 mph at 8:18.1/mi.
July 7 4.1 miles in 35:50 7.3 mph at :44.4/mi.
July 8 7.0 miles in 58:08 7.5 mph (this doesn't seem right) 8:18.3/mi.
July 9 4.1 miles in 31:37 7.8 mph at 7:42.7/mi.

I'm switching between Asics 2120's and Brooks Adrenaline GTS 7's enery other day. This has helped my legs.
I just ordered a new pair of Brooks GTS 8's.
Well I gota go eat. That's all for now.