Friday, April 28, 2017


Yes all those miles WERE too good to be true. I did NOT run Boston. It would have been painful and I would have walked most of the last  miles. I had a great run in 2016 and I just couldn't run just to run.
I started going to Select PT, and I am hopeful to make a complete recovery. It was explained to me that I did not let myself recover between the long races. Made sense! Yoga, PT, acupuncture and massage.
I just bough a ARC 3 Elliptigo (should have gone with ARC 8 for down hills) and I'm hoping to go 50 miles per week.
At 65 it was recommended to run 4 days and strength train 3 days a week.
I hope to get back to run 3, Elliptigo 2 and strength train 2 days per week.