Friday, April 19, 2013


What can I say that hasn't been said the past few days?
I was in the finishing area when the bombs went off. I ran great from Heartbreak hill I didn't realize I was over it until I saw the road and knew. The Hill was nothing this year. Not always the case.
I was running strong and passing a lot of people until 25. I toughed it out until the turn in front of the Citgo sign. The last 4/10s were tough.
I was stiff after the finish. Water. Wrap. METAL! At the food I got a Cookies Powerbar and then POW! We all turned and saw the smoke. All were quiet. Then the second bomb. Smoke and flames. Lots of Volunteers and First Responders running to the smoke. We all knew they were bombs. The Volunteers and First Responders were great. Calm and many running to the smoke. They kept us moving.
Two of my daughters, Julie and Kelly, and two of my grandkids, Sam and Katie, were there to see me run. Kelly and Sam were across from the explosions.
I went to my phone but I couldn't get a call out. No dial tone. I was really worried. God worries about your soul... I texted them and finally got a text back from Kelly.
It was an hour until I hugged them all. It was like I held my breathe. I had to use the porta potties 3 times in the race and finished in 3:56:34. 3 times, set a PR for porta pottie use and gels (9).
I have to run another race to qualify.
I hope I can run 9 in a row. Stay tuned ;)

Friday, April 12, 2013

Training Went Well; Boston in 3 Days

My training was spot on and my tapper has been good too. I have run 3 times this week and I may/may not run today. Boston Expo tomorrow. I had an excellent massage from Sarah and a great massage from Abby on Wednesday. Some of my problems have melted away since. I feel truly blessed to be running Boston for the eighth time in a row and I hope this is only the next step in continuing to run it in the future.