Saturday, September 12, 2009

Simone's Longest Run!

Today we ran 20.1 miles in 3:22:00 for a 10:06.0 pace.
5 days ago she ran 11.3 miles at a 8:24.4/mi. pace.
On August 22 she ran 18.1 miles at a 10:13.3/mi. pace.
On August 1 she ran 7.0 miles at a 9:21.4/mi. pace.
Her times keep dropping. I am going to have her do 800s on a track for speed work and we are going to run 8 miles with a 1.8 mile hill at the end for hill work in the next 2 weeks.
I hope both help her. I think right now she can run a 3:57 marathon. She felt ill during part of the run today but kept her pace steady from mile 4 through mile 17; just what I had hoped before the run. Cold water bath for her this morning and no running until at least next Thursday.
I finished the week with 59.4 total miles; the most in one week this year.
I tried Accel Gel (Chocolate, 20 mg caffeine) on the run. The BEST chocolate gel I've tasted.

1 comment:

Lindsay said...

congrats again on a solid 20 miler! faster than 18, quite impressive.