Tuesday, September 08, 2009

Feels Like Monday

Applied for 3 jobs this morning after bringing 2 of my grandkids to school. I planned on running around noon. It took almost 3 hours to apply for jobs.
I thought I should take it easier this week since Simone and I plan to run 20 on Saturday.
I ran 6.2 miles in 52:08 for 7.1 mph and a 8:24.5/mi. pace. It had gotten hot by noon and a little humid so I'm just as glad that I planned a shorter run. If I keep my runs short tomorrow and Thursday I'll still have my longest mileage week for the year after Saturday.

1 comment:

Lindsay said...

what race is simone training for? not sure if i know the answer to that... just curious. are you going to run it with her? i'd hope, after all the training you do with her!

hoping something positive comes back from the job applications for you!