Saturday, September 05, 2009

A Perfect Saturday in CT

I started running at 9 AM; the weather was perfect cool, slightly overcast and no wind. My legs felt a little heavy at first and I planned to run only 8 miles to get 50 for the week. Even though it was a great day I started out thinking it didn't matter how fast I ran I just wanted 8 miles. I ran a different route than I originally planned because I have been running a lot lately and needed some new scenery. When I got past the 4 mile mark I was feeling better. At about 7 miles another runner came around the corner in front of me and I picked it up. She was speed walking and sprinting so she passed me and then I passed her. I keep up a good pace from there to the finish; I think she really helped me kick it up a notch. I know Simone could do the same but she seems content to have me push her and not try to go past me. I am faster over a long run but she has considerable speed if she wants to show it. Any suggestions how I can get her to pick up the pace.
In all fairness, last week she did run 10 at her max speed for the last 7 miles. We run on Monday this weekend; I hope we come close to 7.0 mph pace.
I finished today 11.0 miles in 1:27:00 for a 7.5 mph pace 7:54.5/mi. as fast as I've run over 10 miles in weeks. 53.2 miles for the week. I feel really good right now. Now if I could only have the same success in my next interview, that would be great. I'm ready for the challenge.

1 comment:

Lindsay said...

hmm i don't know really how you could get her to do the pushing. maybe if you keep pulling ahead of her she'd get tired of it and want to be the one in front? or you could just tell her hey you lead the pace for this mile (or 3 miles, etc) so that mentally she knows it's just for a little while. then you flip flop taking turns? i dunno... good luck :)