Saturday, September 26, 2009

Feels like Fall

I ran 10.1 miles this morning in 1:20:00 a 7:55.2/mi. pace. Simone had a lot of family things to do today so she ran 10 on her own. I felt great and maintained the 7.5 mph pace for most of the run.
I didn't get the job with CCAT so I'll be at Target Tuesday night for orientation.
My classes are going well and I'm looking forward to both of the marathons next month.
I got a massage and needles on Thursday from Shannon. She recommended I use castor oil around each knee so I did that yesterday for about 11/2 hours.
I have averaged over 50 miles per week since the Drake Well Marathon. This week I ran 50.3 miles.

1 comment:

Lindsay said...

sorry to hear about the job not working out :-/ at least you still have the target opportunity and i am sure you'll make the most of it.

glad to hear the running is still going well. i know when i get bummed out or upset over things my running tends to suffer. a massage sounds pretty nice right about now!