Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Windy No Rain

Well it is a cool, windy day and I just got back from a 7.1 mile run. I felt better today although my HR was higher at first. I did run faster than yesterday, an 8:21/mi. pace in 59:19.
I just called Fleet Feet, I'm anxious to hear if I got the job.
I read their newsletter today, The Extra Mile, and volunteered to be a coach of the TEAMM4M, The Melanoma Research Foundation's marathon and 1/2 marathon program for the Hartford Marathon and 1/2 in October. It will probably depend on if I get the job since I will have to work at Target every Saturday morning if I don't get the job at Fleet Feet. It would be fun to help a group of people train. I was just thinking about signing up for Hartford yesterday on my run.

1 comment:

Lindsay said...

ohh working at a running store would be so fun! i hope you hear back soon! :)