Monday, April 19, 2010

Boston Part I

I'm tired and I just want to put in my results tonight. Tomorrow I'll write more about my experience.
I came in in 10427/22540 overall, gender 7503/13072 and division 358/1111. 3:42:28 time at an 8:29/mi. pace. That is a 7.1 mph speed and my avg HR 143 with a max of 158 bpm. I burned 3156 calories. For the way I train this was almost a maximum performance. I did take it easier the first 17 miles and  tried to push it some on the hills, 17-21, and ran down to a 6:55 pace coming down into Boston. I took 5 gels at miles: 7, 11, 15, 19 and 22.25. I ran out of gas with about 1.25 miles to go but still finished strong. I need to reintroduce speed work to improve and I would like to see about taking one more gel.

1 comment:

Lindsay said...

congrats, again, on your boston! glad your race went off much more smoothly than mine :) hope your legs are feeling ok today.