Tuesday, June 02, 2009

Tired Tuesday *

I woke up a little tired from yesterday. I'm not sure if it was the run or that I was up too late. Today started slow so I only went 5.3 miles in 44:57 a 7.1 mph pace. Tomorrow I have an appointment out of town but since it is National Running Day, http://www.runningday.org/ I'll try to run first thing in the morning.
I read an article in the NY Times "Better Running Through Walking" today, http://www.nytimes.com/2009/06/02/health/02well.html?_r=1&hpw I actually ran my first marathon in NJ using the Galloway method of walking every so many minutes. I would run about 8 minutes and walk for a minute. I did this for the first 18 miles and then ran to the finish. It worked well. I came in, in about 4 hours with plenty of energy to finish, I didn't hit a wall. I used the method to help my ankles and it worked.
Now in my marathons I walk on the side as I drink at the aid stations which I feel is better than running through and drinking out of a cup. In training I drink from little bottles so I don't have a problem of choking which is why I started to walk at the aid stations.
Another good article in the NY times today, http://www.nytimes.com/2009/06/03/sports/03marathon.html?_r=1&hpw
"First the Marathon Lottery, then the Pressure to Finish."

1 comment:

Michael B said...

keith - thanks for the folo on twitter...looks like we are kindred spirits when it comes to this goofy marathon "addiction". look forward to following your progress here and on twitter. btw...vermont city marathon is one i know i have to do...perhaps next year. cheers.