Monday, June 15, 2009

Monday 2nd Day of My Week *

My legs were in some pain yesterday. I think I have been running too much on pavement. I don't really want to but I ran on the treadmill today. 4.1 miles in 40:46. It's hot in the gym and it's beautiful weather for running outside right now. CT is unseasonally cool in the 50-70 F range. I hope the low miles on the treadmill will help me run outside tomorrow with no pain after.
I started following "Froggie Ted Distance Runner", and he has an article on using a Brooks-Hanson training program for Boston. He set a PR. Here is the link to their site, Ted said to use the beginner program and exlplains why in the above cited article.
Today I started putting an asterisk in my post title if I have links in the body of the post so I can quickly look them up later.

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