Sunday, June 28, 2009

Saturday Run with Simone

Simone wasn't able to run much this past week so we went 12.5 miles Saturday instead of the planned 14. But she is way ahead of her 1/2 marathon schedule we ran 2 years ago. 6.5 mph in 1:54:40. With Simones kick at the end of races I believe she is already able to run a sub-4 hour marathon. We have several runs of 14 miles or more planned and at least 1 20 miler.
I had a massage after the run which was a workout in itself so Shannon suggested I take today off.
My legs are a bit fatigued right now. Shannon suggested I get my feet up when I'm sitting.
Off to do more yard work.

Thursday, June 25, 2009

Thursday Mostly Sunny *

6.1 mile run today in 48:24 7.6 mph.
I shortened my run because I was suppose to help a friend install windows BUT I received a call from one of my daughters that our van was leaking red fluid. The transmission is shot.
After a 21/2 hour ride I'm back home and the windows will have to wait for another day.
Tomorrow I'm off and I received an email from Simone that she wants to run 12 miles on Saturday.
This will be her longest of 2009.
Here is an article on the Mt. Washington RR, I think I will put my name in for a place next year.
Do you have a story to share about the race?

Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Another Drizzlely Day

Is it April or June? This must be the 20th day of rain this month.
I ran in the rain today again; 8.0 miles in 1:06 7.2 mph. My legs felt a little tired. I went to bed after midnightBad Boys II was on and I was waiting for my youngest daughter to get home. Iwoke up around 5:45. I'll have to work on them for tomorrow; I was hoping to run 7-8 miles again before taking Friday off.

Tuesday, June 23, 2009

A Day to Remember *

I ran 10.4 miles in 1:20 7.7 mph for a 7:41.5/mi. pace.
I felt like I did a few years ago; each time I felt a little tired I could push through it.
I drank water/Gatorade at 4, 6.5, 8.2 and at the end. It was overcast and a little humid and my legs felt great. Sitting here now nothing feels tight or sore.
I found out yesterday that my local FinishLine store collects for SolesforSouls, They collect shoes which are still in good shape for needy people. I don't ever wear my shoes completely out and usually they look good too so I am going to start donating them.

Monday, June 22, 2009

Inspiration from Father's Day

I took Father's Day off after my long Saturday run. My left ankle hurt. Using the Prostretch was helping a lot and I used it 4 times yesterday.
Some of the family went to a graduation party, my daughter Tiffany graduated from high school this past week. One of her friends had the party. The co-valedictorians father has run the Marine Corp and the Boston Marathon about 10 times each in the 80s and it was interesting talking to him. He was much faster then than I am now and he sounds like he is still faster. He talked about meeting John Kelly, the younger, at his store in Mystic.
I mention this because it inspired me to run a little faster today. I would have probably taken it easier because of Saturday.
I went 7.1 miles in 58:18 a 7.3 mph pace 8:12 a mile.
I also signed up for the Drake Well Marathon, in Titusville PA in August because of the talk and because I have never run a marathon in August.
If I run all 3 I plan on running in the future, I will run 6 this year.

Sunday, June 21, 2009

Happy Father's Day

I'm taking today off.
I usually try to run the day after a long run and I find it's counter productive.

Saturday, June 20, 2009

Long Run

I ran 21.3 miles today in 3:03 a 6.9 mph pace. I was at 1:54 for 13.1 miles so I had a negative split; 8:42.1 for the 1st 13.1 miles and 8:24.8 for the next 8.2 miles.
I sat in cold water for a little over 10 minutes after.
I took gels at 7.2 miles, 13.2 miles and 18 miles. I had just enough to drink. When I got back I really needed some cold water. It was overcast and humid.
My back hurts a little on my left side and both of my gastrocnemius are fatigued but right now I feel good. I ran 46.4 miles for the week and over 110 mile for the month so far.
I purchased Dean Karnazes's book about 50 marathons in 50 days used from Amazon. I can't wait to start reading it. He is an amazing athlete.

Friday, June 19, 2009

Days Off

I took yesterday and today off since I hope to run 20+ miles on Saturday.
100K World Championships happen today; Michael Wardian leads US team,

Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Graduation Day

My youngest daughter graduates from high school today. It's been a tough year but I'm sure one she will never forget.
I ran 7.1 miles thia AM in 58:35 minutes a 7.3 mph pace. I felt good but will probably run a short distance tomorrow so I am set for a long run on Saturday.

Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Another Great Day of Running

I have found that 9-11 AM is an excellent time to run here in Enfield so I get up and go to Mass most mornings and run right after. This morning I ran 8.5 miles. It was another overcast day perfect for running. I tend to run too much and not watch my miles until my legs hurt so I was very aware today and kept the miles below 10. 8.5 miles in 1:11:35 at a 7.1 mph pace. I felt good after and my legs still feel good tonight.
I tried to volunteer with the Humane Society yesterday and after filling out the form was told not to contact them that they would let me know if they needed me. Today I tried to volunteer with the Food Shelf in town and was told they don't need me right now and to contact them at the end of August. It's tough being unemployed but now it seems I can't even volunteer.
I started learning Javascript today and I continue to look for work. I also try to network each day with different people to stay in touch and, hopefully, find someone who has a suggestion that will lead to work.
Today my son helped me out. I will follow up with his suggestions.
It's tough not working now for my marathon aspirations too. I would love to travel and run some marathons this Summer. I read on and Twitter all the folks running marathons and I wish I could be there too.

Monday, June 15, 2009

Monday 2nd Day of My Week *

My legs were in some pain yesterday. I think I have been running too much on pavement. I don't really want to but I ran on the treadmill today. 4.1 miles in 40:46. It's hot in the gym and it's beautiful weather for running outside right now. CT is unseasonally cool in the 50-70 F range. I hope the low miles on the treadmill will help me run outside tomorrow with no pain after.
I started following "Froggie Ted Distance Runner", and he has an article on using a Brooks-Hanson training program for Boston. He set a PR. Here is the link to their site, Ted said to use the beginner program and exlplains why in the above cited article.
Today I started putting an asterisk in my post title if I have links in the body of the post so I can quickly look them up later.

Sunday, June 14, 2009

Rock Cats Sunday

Yes today we, my wife, Kelly, Sam, Katie and I went to see the Rock Cats in New Britian this afternoon. So after church I went for a 5.4 mile run. 7.7 mph in 42:08 a 7:48.1 pace. The shoes I worn are the ones I ran both Boston and VT City marathons. My right knee hurt a little this afternoon telling me that the shoes are probably done. I have a busy week coming up and I am planning to run over 20 miles next Saturday.

Saturday, June 13, 2009

End of My Week

Saturday at 7 AM Simone and I took off for our 10 mile run. She said she was nervous but it didn't effect her running. Or maybe it helped. We drank our first drink at 4 miles with gel and gatorade/water mix at 6.2 miles. We stop to drink but not to take the gel. In the race I usually take the gel before the aid station so I only have to drink and go. We drank again at 8 miles and then at the end. The weather was perfect low 60's and mostly sunny.
We finished 10.0 miles in 1:28:10 for a 6.8 mph/8:49.0 pace. That equals a 3:50:59.8 26.2. Hopefully, she won't slow more than 5 minutes in the last 3 miles the toughest part of the Hartford Marathon.
She is definitely on schedule to run a sub 4 hour; I'm sure the times will bear this out when we run 16-20 mile runs. I have helped Simone with 1/2 marathons and she is a strong finisher.
I got a massage after. Thanks to Shannon Kuzel my legs feel GREAT!
Last week I went 40. 0 miles even with traveling; this week I only ran 31.6 miles but I had 2 10 mile runs.

Thursday, June 11, 2009

Yesterday and Today *

Yesterday I ran 10.0 miles in 1:24:10. Legs felt a little tired at the end. I ate a lot the rest of the day. Today I ran 5.3 miles in 44:46. Same pace both days. I think the hills last week tore up my legs. Yesterday I had ice on them on and off for 2 hours.
I found an interesting article today titled "Running a marathon from the inside out." Clicking on the various points on the Chicago Marathon route discusses things to know at different stages of a marathon.
Off tomorrow with 10 miles planned for Saturday with Simone.

Tuesday, June 09, 2009

Back from Kentucky

The wedding trip my daughter Kelly and I took to and from Kentucky started Thursday AM and finished last night. I took Thursday off from running since we were traveling to Morgantown, WV and it was going to be a long day.
Thursday I ran around the WVU campus above the football stadium. Great view, really hilly! I only ran 3.5 miles on Friday but felt it was enough. On the way to Wilmore, KY we stopped at the Natural Bridge and hiked for about 2 hours. I'll post some pictures as soon as Kelly downloads them. We had supper downtown Lexington, KY at deSha's. Good food. They give you a loaf of corn bread which was delicious and I had a burbon barrel KY beer there than had hints of vanilla.
Next morning I ran in Wilmore, 5.25 miles 6.6 mph for 48 minutes. They have a path for about a mile just out of town and I got to explore some of the town too. We went back to Lexington to explore and ate lunch at the Cheapside Bar & Grill. There was a farmers market in the center of town next to the Cheapside.
The wedding was on Saturday at 4:00. I had never been to a Baptist wedding. It was beautiful. The wedding cake was chocolate. mmmm!!! After there was a live band at the town green. We stayed for about an hour and then went back to Lexington. The city has a real hometown feel to it. We will both miss going into town now that we are back home.
I took Sunday off and we traveled to Altoona, PA. We ate supper at Marzoni's Brick Oven & Brewing. Great whole wheat pizza and they had about 7 of their own brews. The 12 oz. were $2.35 and the 20 oz. were $3.25. The Stout, Maibock and IPA were great.
After we went to The Meadows for frozen custard. They have been around since 1950 and by the crowd there it will be around for another for at least another 50 years.
Next morning I ran from the Marriott into town. The Marriott is on an access road. I ran in neighborhoods just off of this road and then back to the parking lot of the motel to finish up. Still very hilly but I ran 6.3 miles in 55:53 for a 6.8 mph pace. I'm tired today and may take it off. I haven't decided yet.

Wednesday, June 03, 2009

National Running Day

I just couldn't get up this morning.
I had an appointment at Northwest Community College (NWCC) at 10:00 which is about an hour away. I planned on running after getting home. I checked out the Vet Tech program; they are the only CC in CT which offers it. I would love to do it but it will depend on a number of factors.
I came home and ran 8.2 miles in 1:08:30 at a 7.2 mph pace. My legs are shot! I have run too many days outside on the road. I was so charged up after seeing a friend running in Simsbury on my way home. We use to run at lunch 2 jobs ago. I loved my lunch time runs.
I'll take it easy this weekend and be ready to run long next week.

Tuesday, June 02, 2009

Tired Tuesday *

I woke up a little tired from yesterday. I'm not sure if it was the run or that I was up too late. Today started slow so I only went 5.3 miles in 44:57 a 7.1 mph pace. Tomorrow I have an appointment out of town but since it is National Running Day, I'll try to run first thing in the morning.
I read an article in the NY Times "Better Running Through Walking" today, I actually ran my first marathon in NJ using the Galloway method of walking every so many minutes. I would run about 8 minutes and walk for a minute. I did this for the first 18 miles and then ran to the finish. It worked well. I came in, in about 4 hours with plenty of energy to finish, I didn't hit a wall. I used the method to help my ankles and it worked.
Now in my marathons I walk on the side as I drink at the aid stations which I feel is better than running through and drinking out of a cup. In training I drink from little bottles so I don't have a problem of choking which is why I started to walk at the aid stations.
Another good article in the NY times today,
"First the Marathon Lottery, then the Pressure to Finish."

Monday, June 01, 2009

Last Three Days

Saturday I started to run again. The first day back my legs are usually a little stiff, ankles hurt, and muscles which I thought were healed complain. But I ran 4.3 miles in 34:09 a 7.5 mph pace.
I felt OK the rest of the day even though I cut the grass and worked in the garden for about 4 hours.
Sunday I ran with Simone. We went 7.1 miles at a 7.1 mph pace in 59:30.  The same distance as 2 weeks ago BUT 6 minutes and 20 seconds faster. I have a wedding to go to out of town this weekend so we will run 10 miles in 2 weeks.
Today I was going to take it easy but the day is so beautiful I decided to run longer. I ran 10.7 miles in 1:27:00 a 7.3 mph pace. I feel great. I have 2 leads to work on and a bunch of things to do today. 
I ran 151 miles for the month of May. A little low but I'll make it up this month. I wish I had a marathon to run this month. I've been toying with the idea of heading out West to run one. The flights seem cheap to Portland. I'll give it some thought. Any suggestions?