Tuesday, June 08, 2010

Still Congested; Ran Long to Try and Knock it Out

I took yesterday off since I was still tired in the afternoon. But my legs felt great.
Today I decided that to get rid of this congestion I would run longer than I usually do the week after a marathon. Thinking back, I ate more dairy products in the 5 days around the marathon than I usually consume in 2-3 weeks. So I went out with no mile goal in mind. I ran 9.8 miles in 1:22:20, 8:24/mi., 7.1 mph, HR avg 132 and max 149 bpm. I was faster than I thought I would be considering my congestion but I have not felt weak or any more tired than I usually am from working early.
I read Lindsay's blog last week about how she is running slower. I have a few suggestions. I hope you are still reading this Lindsay.
A female friend and one of my daughters had a similar problem and it was due to getting bitten by a TICK!
Another female friend tried to lose weight and when she lost it too quickly she also went slower than normal on her runs.
You ran 2 marathons in 2 weeks; if your body wasn't use to it, I would think it may take a month to completely recover and get back to normal speeds.
I'm going to go through some of my pictures today from VT and try to post them in the next few days.

1 comment:

Lindsay said...

Thanks for thinking of me and for the suggestions. It is always nice to hear someone is still reading/listening :) Sometimes I wonder if it was the double-marathons, but then I think I am making excuses since that was 2months ago and I took a week off completely after both with low (~20ish) miles for a few weeks after that. So I just dunno. Trying to not get too down about it an hopefully my legs/body will feel perky again soon.

hope you feel better soon!