Thursday, October 07, 2010

Softer (surface) Running

Yesterday I ran 4.1 miles again on an artificial track. I started off fairly fast and kept it up. I didn't bring a watch or GPS but I could tell by the steady pace I kept that I was running well at a faster pace than I have started off in the past two weeks.
Today I ran around a field hockey field; 4.0 miles, 8:19/mi. and 7.2 mph. The ground was soft and wet in places so I feel really good that I could run so fast.My legs feel really good and I did not feel any pain while running.
Tomorrow morning I am going to run at th gym on a treadmill. When I don't feel any pain for a week
I will try and run 4 miles on the roads. I am trying to get back to running 5-6 days in a row with long and short and fast and slow runs. Mixing it up will help me return to full time marathon training. I hope to run only twice a week on the roads for awhile; probably until Boston Marathon time. I think this will help me have a longer running life. I just hadn't listened to all the people telling me to run on softer surfaces. I hope I have learned my lesson.


Lindsay said...

any trails nearby you could hop on? i don't know if i could handle lap after lap around a track or sports-fields. glad to hear some good news!

Keith said...

There is the Vernon Rail Trail but it is about 35-40 minutes from home. I was thinking of running my weekly long run there for a little relief from the track.