Monday, October 25, 2010

I Talk to the Doctor on Thursday

This has been on my mind since I found out when my appointment was scheduled.
I took 2 days off; usually I work out on Sunday but I had to help one of my daughters at her apartment and it took a big chunk of the day.
Today I ran 6.4 miles in 1:04:13; my right leg just does not want to go fast. I have to start out really slow and slowly increase the speed over time. After I did used the elliptical trainer and went 4 miles in 29:52 faster than the last 2 days. Just over 1300 calories burned and I felt good. The elliptical trainer allows me to get my heart rate up to 90% of my normal running HR and I can step at over 200 at sub 8:00 minute miles.
Yesterday the sharp pain in my right knee was intense so I don't think that running the Manchester Marathon would be a good idea but I will talk to the surgeon on Thursday. I feel now that I will get over this and I will be running well by April next year. One can only hope.

1 comment:

Lindsay said...

Hope the doc appt goes well. I'm assuming you were able to get a Boston spot? Be patient and open to sufferer ideas for your rehab/recovery so you can head into Dec/Jan strong!