Sunday, March 14, 2010

What a Week!

Today was the first time I've run since my 14 miler. I had planned to take Wednesday off and then my brother called to tell me my Aunt Joyce died and the funeral was Thursday at 11. So I was out of town all day Thursday after dropping the grandkids off at school.
Friday my right leg hurt; The whole outside from the calf to the IT band. It was worse on Saturday. I was doing stretches, foam roller work, cold bath, tennis ball under the feet and my legs up the wall. Nothing seemed to take all the pain away. I was worried on Saturday. But today the pain was much less; I drank a lot of water yesterday and got a lot of sleep. I think I lacked both all week last week. I'm just tired trying to do everything from classes, work, family and running. Today the board holding the desktop keyboard and the keyboard came down on my right foot. The toe next to the little toe was bleeding and the nail turned black. It has hurt since it happened. But I ran 5.4 miles on the treadmill at the gym and I felt good after. The leg doesn't hurt and the toe doesn't hurt any more than it did. I hope to run at least another 3 days this week before the race.

1 comment:

Lindsay said...

sorry to hear about your aunt, as well as your leg! :-/

hope this week is easier on you so all these little things can mend before the marathon.