Thursday, March 04, 2010

An Interesting Day *

I was all set to run late morning today but my granddaughter had other plans for me. She didn't feel well this morning and was pale so she stayed home with me. I had bills to write checks for, homework, job applications and seeds to order so I waited until my wife got home before heading out. I don't like running after 3 because I'm more of a morning person and the traffic is heavier in the PM. I took a different route to mix things up a bit and ran 8.5 miles in 1:13:07, a 8:34/mi. pace. I have been running every other day for a week mostly because of homework. I have caught up and if I put in the time this weekend I should be good between now and the Shamrock Marathon.
Marathon and Beyond has a special section on Boston: The Marathoner's rite of passage. It's an excellent publication that I highly recommend. I received the April Runner's World in the mail today and I bought a used copy of Lore of Running from Amazon so I have a lot to read outside of school work too.
I received a card in the mail for The Cape Relay May 1 & 2. I would love to do this and I wish I had a team of 12 friends who would also love to run this relay. I'm not sure if I even get 11 people reading this blog :) The relay web site is: and you can email them at:

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