Thursday, November 19, 2009

Quick Run and Thoughts on Boston Closing

I ran 4.1 miles this afternoon, 32:12, a 7:51/mi. pace. I was experimenting with trying to pick the pace up after a slow 1st mile.
I'm sure people know that Boston registration closed on November 13 for the April 19, 2010 race.
I received their notice that it was filling up and I needed to sign up now! This is the earliest it has ever closed. I have found that this is happening more and more with marathon registration. I find it sad that there will be people who qualified and won't be able to run in Boston. I hope I can keep my streak alive for at least 10 years. Luckily, I qualified in 5 of my 6 marathons this year. Next year I will sign up as soon as I am able to guarantee entry.

1 comment:

Lindsay said...

i bq'd last november so it was good for this year and next, (didn't run it this year) but wanted to try and use a better qualifying time so i waited til after nyc. i applied a couple days after nyc and then saw the news that boston was closed! i hadn't heard anything back so i was irritated and almost going to boycott ever running boston period. i did eventually get confirmation - i think they had to wait for nyrr to make the race results official. so, guess i'll be running after all.

maybe you can just keeping qualifying IN boston so you can send in your info the next day. :)