Saturday, October 31, 2009


Yes today was windy! I put on the Pearls after working 3:30-11 (+ 2hours of sleep) and ran 6 miles in 48:57, an 8:09.5/mi. pace not bad after my 1st day back yesterday, 4.1 miles in 33:43, an 8:13.4/mi. pace. I only took 4 days off form running the marathon; the least # I usually take off.
Work is good, school is good and running is good.
I can't believe that Marine Corps was my last marathon of the year. I'm really feeling great and I wish I had the time and $ to run another. I hoping things are better in January and I can find one to run.
Some random thoughts on the Marine Corps Marathon: it was a great course and if I had started up closer to the 3:30 pacer I think I would have had less problems with runners in the 1st 6 miles.
I burned 3205 calories total for the race; at least that is what the Garmin 305 recorded. Almost all the pictures they took were worth buying; I purchased 2. I would love to run it again. Right now my top 5 marathons courses, in no particular order are , Vermont City, Boston, Marine Corps, Houston and Hartford followed closely by NY city.

1 comment:

Lindsay said...

glad you had a bunch of good race pictures! i'm the reverse - i can usually only pick out 1 or 2 decent ones.

it's always a little sad post-marathon when there isn't one (close enough) on the horizon. hopefully you can find something that works early on in 2010 to satisfy your addiction!