Friday, August 13, 2010

Another Off Day but Thoughts on my New Job

I didn't run today since I will be running longer miles for the next 3 days. But I did have a good day at work and I did want to write about it.
I fit several people for shoes today. After just 2 weeks of working at Fleet Feet in West Hartford I found out that a lot of people have moderate to severe foot problems and that they still want to run or at least get regular exercise. I feel so good when people walk out smiling and thanking me for helping put them in the right shoes. One person shook my hand when I demonstrated how to use a foam roller properly and the pain in her ankle went away. She was thrilled that there was a simple solution to her problem. I really like helping people. It all starts with your feet. It's nice to hear how many people are training to run marathons too!

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