Friday, July 03, 2009

Early Friday Run

I took yesterday off and ran today because Simone said it fit her schedule better than tomorrow. It worked out well for me because I thouhgt I needed to rest yesterday and I have been on a tear this week filling out job applications.
I ran 168.3 miles for the month of June, my second highest monthly total for the year so far.
Monday I ran 6.1 miles and Tuesday 7.1 miles. I was feeling good so Wednesday I went 10 miles and got back and my wifes' moms dog ran off so I ran at least another mile trying to run her down. I finally caught her after cornering her in a neighbors yard.
Today Simone and I ran 10.2 miles in 1:28:00 (6.9 mph) for a 8:37.6/mi. pace. That equates to a 3:46:11 pace for 26.2 miles. I believe that Simone can run that for most of the race and adding a minute per mile to the last 5 miles she can run a 3:52 for Hartford. This is what I am trying to have her aim for in October. has an article on Michael Wardian running the 100K World Championship, finishing 6th (6:40/mi. for 62 miles) and 7 days later running the Western States 100 and finishing 16th.
He ran the Vermont City one year when I ran and I got to see him in the first out and back.

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