Saturday, July 11, 2009

Last Day of the Running Week *

I ran 7.0 miles today in 56:10 for a 7.5 mph for an 8:01.4/mi. pace. A total of 49.5 miles for the week. I believe that is the longest weekly mileage for the year.
I raced off to get a massage after that since I have to drive about an hour to get to Mansfield CT. Shannon was par excellent! as usual.
Today they run the Leadville 100 and trail marathon,
Leadville is about 2 hours from Denver. I hope whatever job I get allows me the time and $$ to train for it next year, the marathon that is :-)
I'm thinking of signing up for the Monster Trail Marathon, Virgil NY, Sept 6. It's about a 4 1/2 hour drive and it's run on Sunday. Since I'm 57 I would start around 7:00 AM so I could probably be back home by 5:00.
If I have a job by then, I may still be able to run it.

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