Monday, December 19, 2011

After the Break

I took off six days and started running on Saturday. 4 miles in 36:49. I took Sunday off and ran today after work  5.2 miles in 47:19. My left ankle is stiff but feels better after running. I hope to run 4 days in a row. I was so excited after Rehoboth that I signed up for the Hyannis Marathon at the end of February. I thought that since I ran the Colchester 1/2 last year before Boston and ran OK that running a full would help me even more in 2012. Also I have thought about running Hyannis for about 4 years and I'm always too late; they usually meet their limit by the time I decide to go for it!
I just got 2 new shoes from Fleet Feet (free) and I will give a review to compare them to the Brooks' Glycerin.
I know there is a lot of discussion about minimal shoes but they did not do my Achilles any good. I love the Kinvara 2 but I need to be careful and not use it as much as I did. I also just tried the Brooks' Flow (4mm drop); I love the feel and hope to run some 3-6 milers outside to see if it has enough cushioning for me.

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