Wednesday, March 02, 2011


I've been sore this week after running the half. Monday I ran 1 mile on the treadmill and did 1.5 miles on the elliptical. I was more sore after but used both "The Stick" and the Trigger Point foam roller and felt better. After work today I ran 3.2 miles, 29:48, and used the elliptical for 1.25 miles. I'm feeling better; I'm about 1/2 way back.
I have a second part-time job, I am a Dial-a-ride driver. It's tough to see the elderly who were once good athletes reduced to using walkers or in dialysis. I must say I have been very appreciative of  my ability and even my speed which is consistent if not really fast. I saw in the paper today that a friend who I had recently seen at the gym died from ALS, he was 57. He was another person who was always active and I thought was in good health.
Appreciate every run and every race. Never be disappointed if you give your best that day or if you just enjoy the moment.
I love working at Fleet Feet if I just help one person a day be able to run better and enjoy running more than they did before they came to us. I'm lucky that most days I help several people run better.

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