Monday, February 14, 2011

20 Miler Yesterday

After taking Saturday off, I decided not to wait until later in the week to run a 20 miler. I didn't know if running 62 miles in 8 days would be smart but I felt good yesterday and I thought if I wasn't feeling my best that I would run less. I ran the 20 on a treadmill, I don't want to go outside until the 1/2 on the 26th, 20.0 miles, 2:52:58 at 8:38.9/mi. I felt good after but it was a struggle from mile 11-16 and I had thoughts of not going the full 20. But I got a second wind at 17 and knew I could go as long as I stayed mentally tough. When I got home and was eating I lost part of a tooth which had a lot of fillings and my ankles were sore but I feel OK this morning.

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