Sunday, October 12, 2014

Hartford Marathon

First, the metal and shirt are great. I had a shirt on that said "Father of the Bride" for my daughter Kelly's wedding next month to Zach Glazer. Along with my daughter Tiffany, one of her maids of honor, they all ran the half.
I liked running in the rain and the temperature was cool and perfect except for my hands.
I started way back because I wanted to go slow at first and finish strong. I started behind the 4:30 pacer.
I was on a 3:55 pace and  I noticed the the 13.1 mark reflected the the gun time which it should.
But my official results now reflect the gun time only for all splits and the finish. I hit my watch after crossing the finish and it showed 3:57:58.
I am certiainlyglad I did not shoot for a Boston qualifying time. Again I had to use the porta potty at about mile 22.
Overall, a fun day.

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